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Thread: Fantasy Tiled Maps for use in Tabletop RPG Publications

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    Default Fantasy Tiled Maps for use in Tabletop RPG Publications

    This Project has been taken. Thanks to everyone for the quick response and great work!

    While not the bread and butter here, I'm looking for several tiled fantasy maps that could be printed and used in tabletop RPGs (similar to below).

    The scale of the map will be 5 ft. per inch.

    2CGaming-MS-2C109-Encounter3-Bloody Halls-03.jpg


    Payment Details
    We'd love to pay for your work, specifically something in the $200-$300 range per map. If the project looks interesting, but the price here is too low, get in touch! We'll discuss

    The maps need not conform to a specific style, though they should be consistent between them. Great reference for a style that we'd love can be found here: http://myminiaturesite.altervista.or...rketSquare.gif

    Quality & Size
    I'm looking for professional-quality work from someone who has done this before. Ideally, I'd like to see previous work from the Cartographer in the style they intend for this project.

    I'm are looking to commission a total of 11 maps of roughly 11x16", based on existing map templates. These maps should be made at no less than 300dpi CMYK - functional for both print and digital distribution.

    We'd like the Cartographer to relinquish all rights excepting the rights to show the piece for personal, promotional use. If this is a sticking point, we can discuss

    Time Constraints
    The sooner the cartographer can start on this project, the better. That said, there is no hard end deadline for this project. Ideally, we'd like to have it complete before September, 2016, but this is flexible if need be.

    Contact Info
    As a relatively new user here, you'll have to get in touch with me via email at: jakelly--at--2cgaming--dot--com. (replace --at-- with '@', and --dot-- with '.' of course).

    If there's additional information I can provide or you want to discuss details, please let me know! Thanks for your time

    Last edited by jakelly; 05-20-2016 at 01:35 PM.

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