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Thread: World Map of Undine

  1. #1

    Default [WIP] World Map of Undine

    Hello all,

    I've decided to start well and post here my attempts to build a world map for my ongoing fantasy RPG campaign.

    As I am not very good at things like GIMP or Photoshop, as well as am learning how to draw, I decided to make my map on old fashioned paper.
    Currently I'm thinking it'll end up being 120 cm by cm in the long run, with a scale of 1 cm being equal to 250 km.
    But even about that I'm not totally sure yet.

    If possible I'll scan it in later and I certainly will be using some computer programs once I figure out how to use them (best).

    For a 'base' I decided to build my world map using the contours of earth continents as they were in the paleoceen and place those where I thought they'd look nice and make somewhat sense to me (see below for a small version of it).
    Other aspects of my map will also be based on existing features of earth (like for example shapes of lakes) - but definately not on the same place and at times they'll be rotated, changed in size or connected to each other in ways they definately not do here.

    Undine 06 (48x36 cm) Final.png

    Anyway, as I'm aiming for a certain amount of realism with regards to continental movement and how this influences where I have to place mountains, how air and sea streams move and the like suggestions are more then welcome.
    The same goes for ideas about what icons to use to show the placement of settlements or other things a map should have.
    In short, I hope to learn a lot from you people
    Last edited by mpalmen; 09-04-2018 at 05:32 AM.

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