I am looking for someone to help me create maps in this style - minus the landmark names and icons - for my homebrew world. In this world, there are seven concentric layers of floating continents around a foggy, energized core. I am including an image of the world of Septerra core, which is the inspiration for this. I would like maps of each individual layer, with an image of the whole thing together if possible. The continents should be roughly Earth analogous as far as mileage and size goes, with the innermost core being a wide, donut shaped ring that floats around it almost like a shield with a hole in it. The core should be about half the size of the Moon, and each plate significantly thick enough to be able to reasonably describe mining. If you would like to discuss rates, please feel free to contact me at cartographersguild~~at~~3str.org.
Screenshot 2024-09-03 160012.png