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Thread: MUD Mapping Software

  1. #1

    Default MUD Mapping Software

    Hello all!

    Back in 2016 someone made a post here asking about software for mapping a MUD. I have no idea why my phone is refusing to let me paste the link but it'll turn up easily if you google "MUD Mapping Software". In the thread he mentions a program called MUD Map, which I have downloaded and am experimenting with, but I'm curious: do any of you have any experience with making MUD-style maps? If so, what kind of software do you use for it?

  2. #2
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Blog Entries


    Hi PolarFrosty,

    Welcome to the guild. This is the link I believe:

    I haven't used it myself though.

  3. #3


    Thank you! And that is exactly the link, I just got home and was going to find it but you saved me the search!

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