
So, one of the reasons why I joined the worldbuilding community was to make a Koppen climate map similar to Artefexian and his world. And as great as tutorial as it is, it is oversimplified to an extent, in my opinion. Once I looked at places like Somalia, which were contradicting to the tutorial. And after all of the climate tutorials I have looked at throughout the months, I figured I would attempt to make one of my own. But as a note, my climate tutorial may not be the ideal or the best, so take it with a grain of salt.

I am going to try to make a climate tutorial based on these.

So anyway, here the base map and the elevation.

World Map.png
World Map (With Latitude).png

The reason why the elevation is by 10 degrees is to map the winds and pressure better, speaking of which, here they are.

World Map - Currents.png

World Map - Pressure (January).png

World Map - Pressure (July).png

These are primarly based on this (only shows on computer, not mobile):

I'm going to post on how I got these later, but in the meantime, what are your thoughts so far?