Hello all, and especially Waldronate, I have a question regarding noise or tiny stippling that occurs with Wilbur during the precipiton steps:

I was going through and working on a project for a campaign setting. And ran into a lot more noise than I remember with Wilbur doing Preciipton erosion.
So, to test things, I went and grabbed a simple tutorial piece I know worked in the past.
We’re gonna make a volcano. 2048x2048, nothing crazy.
I have screenshots of all the steps along the way…
But… the end result which seems very noisy… I looked at the noise being generated during the percentage noise phases and didn’t see anything out of sorts.

End result is this at 2048:


At lower resolutions it's scarier...

Naturally, I can erode and dilate a bit, but something just seemed a bit off with this. I've tried a few different test on fractal noise seeds and am getting very rough results.
