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Thread: Hi from the Dark Peak

  1. #1

    Default Hi from the Dark Peak

    Hi folks, just thought I'd make a short intro

    I'm not the worlds best with a pencil preferring to work with my hands with materials such as bone, horn and antler as well as recycled metal and other such materials. A little under a year ago however I underwent surgery for pancreatic cancer (Don't panic, after the surgery it was found out not to be cancer at all so a reasonably happy ending ) and was unable to do any work at the bench for a while. To keep myself occupied and my brain from seizing up I took up calligraphy which in a roundabout route is what led me to this forum. For this summer's project I'm considering drawing a lettering a fantasy style map and then ageing it to look as of it's bee folded up in a pouch for many, many years.

    I've never even attempted anything like this before so have been looking for hints, tips and tutorials as well as inspiration and that's what led me here. Looking forward to learning lots of new stuff and just hope I don't plague you all with too many questions LOL!!

    Edit - P.S. For those that don't know, the Dark Peak is a part of the Peak District National Park in the U.K.
    Last edited by Mr Happymoose; 04-14-2019 at 04:27 PM.

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