
By way of background; I am complete newie to mapping with very little ability in the visual arts. Rather I am a writer. A couple of the reviews on my first novel on Amazon Linked here if you are interested have asked for a map of the city in which the action takes place.

So I have started trying to draw a map and this is my latest go (having stated several over the last few weeks). I am using GIMP and have been trying to follow the "Fast and Easy Maps in Gimp" tutorial, and the "Using Gimp for artistic maps" tutorial.

I am having trouble figuring out how to put in a sense of slope. The city, Delvenport, is a harbour nestled in a steep valley between two large outcroppings (escarpments) of stone from a mountain. A main causeway zigzags from the harbour up to the palace at the top of the valley.

I was about to try and figure out what the best way to put in the houses, city walls and the palace but I am not happy with the basic geography of the map.
