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Thread: Optimistic 10-13th century Afro-Euroasian trade routes

  1. #1
    Guild Apprentice
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    Jan 2015

    Default Optimistic 10-13th century Afro-Euroasian trade routes


    This is my first map. It depicts an optimistic state of the global trade network during the 10-13th (900-1250) century C.E. However, as history is not static, some of these cities were more active in certain periods, and less active in others. Hedeby for example is destroyed in 1066, while most of central asia was ravaged by the Mongols in the mid 13th century. As well as the italian states rising to power in the late 12th century, and the decline of the south iberian cities in the 13th century. So keep in mind that this is an optimistic view, covering the approximate timespan of 900-1250 C.E.

    I have not finished the frame, legends or titles yet. So, here's some short info;

    Bigger lines are main trade routes
    Smaller lines are secondary trade routes

    Dotted lines are land routes
    Dashed lines are Sea routes
    Full lines are river routes

    Red dots are cities
    Major red dots are major entrepotes
    Major red dots with underlined text are major gravitational (trade-wise) pulls

    The different line colors represents different regions based of geography and trade goods.
    Last edited by MartinMånsson; 11-08-2015 at 08:27 AM.

  2. #2


    I looks good Martin.
    Did you mean to put it in finished maps, if it is not done? ie frame, legend, titles...
    Just asking.
    Also, why is Africa missing parts? Was this explained previously?
    The quantity of mountains is impressive.

  3. #3
    Guild Apprentice
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    Jan 2015


    You're right that it's not 100% complete. Perhaps we should delete the thread, and i can reupload it on another sub-forum until it's truly finished.
    Part of Africa and Northern Euroasia are missing due to no trade activity. I didn't want endless of space, so i'm planning to use that free space for other things.

    The reason i uploaded it is because of the map itself is done. But not the layout and presentation.
    Last edited by MartinMånsson; 11-07-2015 at 09:26 PM.

  4. #4


    It's up to you Martin.
    Normally, a map isn't posted to finished maps until it is indeed finished, or if the map maker does not intend to work on it further.
    But like I said, it is up to you.
    I can delete it or move it to another subforum if that's what you want.
    Regional-World Mapping is where I would move it.
    Just let me know and I'll move it for you.

  5. #5
    Guild Apprentice
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    Quote Originally Posted by J.Edward View Post
    It's up to you Martin.
    Normally, a map isn't posted to finished maps until it is indeed finished, or if the map maker does not intend to work on it further.
    But like I said, it is up to you.
    I can delete it or move it to another subforum if that's what you want.
    Regional-World Mapping is where I would move it.
    Just let me know and I'll move it for you.
    You can move it to Regional/World Mapping. I intend to work on it further. Thanks

  6. #6


    There you go.
    I'll check back to see what you end up doing here.
    It's already an impressive map Martin.

  7. #7
    Guild Apprentice
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    Jan 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by J.Edward View Post
    There you go.
    I'll check back to see what you end up doing here.
    It's already an impressive map Martin.
    I'm sorry to be a nuisance to you... But i feel that i'm finished with the map now, and i will post it in Finished maps-forum. I ditched the idea of doing something creative with the dead space due to the already massive file size. So if you wish, you can delete this thread, or let it stand, it's up to you

  8. #8


    It's okay Martin. I'll leave it and you can always do a new thread for finished maps.

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