Looks like you're off to a good start. I like the overall landmass shape.
Hi everyone.
This is the first map that I do for myself. It's about a story I'm making. I have done with photoshop and I have no experience in doing so; my tools are just the brush, rubber and my imagination.
I want to know about the technical aspects of the map. I wanna know if geography, topography and others things are correct, I mean, that they can happen really. And also, if the scale (200 km each square) is correct or whether it should be bigger. Any other recommendation are welcome.
Later, after your corrections, I will add the principal rivers.
I would appreciate if you join this project.
Thank you very much.
Last edited by Facubaci; 01-22-2015 at 05:56 PM.
Looks like you're off to a good start. I like the overall landmass shape.
Thanks Max.
I'd like to know if the geography/topography is correct or theres something to fix. When it be correct, I'll make the hydrographic basins.
Please, your comments are necessary to continue.
I'm not an expert about that. It looks ok to me but may I suggest you to upload your map picture directly in the forum rather than on an external pictures host. You might have more feedbacks if people don't have to check an external link.
Thanks, Max. I did the changes.
Hope people help me now. I'll upload the main rivers in a few hours.
Greetings, Facubaci.
Now, this is the same map including the rivers. There's 167 more or less.
What do you think? They flow well? The basins are well done? Have some changes to make it more real?
Thanks for your answers, guys.
Last edited by Facubaci; 01-24-2015 at 04:40 AM.
i like using h t t p : / / imgbox.com/
for posting 350 pixel CLICKABLE thumbnails of images
be sure to click the "family SAFE" option
now some have had issues with advertising on the site
but seeing as i use " Ad Block Plus " and "No-Script" in firefox , i do not see them
i like the map, the color choice ?? but that is only MY preferences
but you might want to have a color gradient flowing from one color to the next
something along the default spectrum color image of Michigan -- but DIFFERENT colors
i am a bit partial to this set of colors
just my likes, i like colors flowing into the next
Others might not .
--- 90 seconds to Midnight ---
--- Penguin power!!! ---
Thank you! Now I'll use Imgbox for the next pics. Do not worry about the colors of the relief, I just use it as a heights indicator. It's not the finished map![]()
Last edited by Facubaci; 01-24-2015 at 04:46 AM.
Hi Facubaci, I looked over your rivers, and they are really very good. All flow from high ground to lower to the sea, they all join in natural directions. I did notice two very small spots which I've marked on the map for you. One place, the rivers seems to be flowing through a higher area (based on the color), and in the other, there is a small lake with no outlet. With this resolution, I really couldn't see enough detail to be sure, but you might check those.
2cervvd Notes from Chick.jpg
Another thing I noticed was that your mountain ranges seem to cross at right angles. Mountains form by plate tectonics, and thus almost never have two ranges at right angles to each other. If you want to keep the heights as shown, I recommend you make the middle mountain range high and the right angle extensions into mere hills.
Hope this helps!
Last edited by Chick; 01-24-2015 at 09:15 PM.
Thanks chick!
Take a look of this zoomed in pic of the zone you marked:
You said the mountain ranges must be only one, the horizontal. And the other, the right vertical, should be just hills... like this?
Now I have two questions: can two high mountain areas be separated by a narrow/strait? Or the tectonic plates should "unite" the two areas? I mean the top left zone, where there is an island with fjords separated from the rest of the mainland.
And another thing, I want to put some lakes and lagoons, where do you think is more probable or credible they are located?
Thanks very much! Now I know the rivers are OK![]()