Hey - cool, another section being done ! I'll have to remember to keep updating the big map.
Ok, starting with ideas.
I know it is a stretch, but i thought that as this is one of the last section of the city and with much wider river going to sea, it can be perfect spot for a city port. Assuming a ship can make all the way from here to the sea by the river, that is. I don't consider this as a military port with all the defences, but rather a simple trading port. Best place to make ships go all the way to sea to catch fish, as well as discover new trading routes.
With that idea i sarted some fast sketch to place port wooden bridges. I guess whole right side would be port related buildings, maybe a bigger bish market.
Left side would be more urbanized and the south as the city border (assuming J.E. won't expand the city) would be a forest ? Still not sure.
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Hey - cool, another section being done ! I'll have to remember to keep updating the big map.
You do what you feel is right, Voolf. Mappers who come after you will adapt to what you have created. Even if the river goes back underground between here and the coast, there's nothing stopping us from building a transport canal
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I will let you know when i am done
Haha, i see, we do not adapt to the terrain, it's the terrain which addapts to us Clever, i must say.
Here are more planned buildings.
I have to find some good port buildings refference, but could not find anything that will look bit more medival-ish, all modern ports are just.. well too morern
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The port is a great idea and the sketch is very promising! Your section will be very diverse: forests, harbor, houses ! Itwill really be very pretty to look at! looking forward for the next update soon!
Thanks JO!
I am almost done with the planning phase. Just have to figure out what to draw on the bottom left side near forest. Have no ideas now. I want to make it less urbanized, but not just plain grass.
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Ok the planning phase is done.
This shows roughly how the section will look like. I expect to make some changes, but rather minor ones.
Next update with the proper lines. Cheers
New Horizons
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Very interesting to see your process !
OMGoodness, Voolf!
This is going to be even more spectacular than your first district!
Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
Moving forward faster than my first section map. I am also trying to do curved buildings now.
Last edited by Voolf; 08-22-2017 at 09:42 AM.
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