Fabulous artwork there !
Seems odd that they need roofs on the houses if they are inside a cave though
Hey guys! =)
I created a lot of maps for the RPG 'The Dark Eye' (Aventuria) in the last year. They are most often meant as a handout for the players and they are in nearly every adventure. They all have a similar style, so I will keep this thread updated as they are published.
All (c)Ulisses Games & Distribution GmbH
Today I wanted to show the first one: A smugglers Hideout. This one is basically a cave with an entrance you can only reach by boat. The shallow waters off the coast don't allow larger ships here and it is faced to the sea, the entrance only visible and reachable by dusk and dawn when the tide is lowest. At all other times, the smugglers are unreachable. This was my idea, Daniel S. Richter (a brilliant author responsible for a lot of content) brought this to life with vibrant descriptions ready to use in play. This was fun and is one of the larger ones. They are often very tiny, but I love making them a lot! :D
Best wishes,
Last edited by SteffenBrand; 03-12-2017 at 01:35 PM.
Visit me on ArtStation.
Fabulous artwork there !
Seems odd that they need roofs on the houses if they are inside a cave though
That's a lovely drawing, Steffen
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No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
That looks great Steffen
How has the job been going?
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Great picture. Very evocative
"To imagine is to be human; to be human is to imagine. We are the music makers, we are the dreamers of dreams."
@Redrobes | Robulus: Thanks! Exactly, dripping and everything else is an issue I had in mind here. I also got asked about the fancy house in there: I thought of the walls as something like wattle and daub, actually very thin and only windows and chimney a bit more defined (I tried to define materials a bit more, but it was too busy and I had to scrap it). I thought they re-used broken windows (from the mainland) and just put them in there. Well, it was hard to show, I thought I give it at least something that needed additional support like the tarp, but well...
@Mouse: Again, thank you so much! =)
@J.Edward: The job is doing fine, I love it! The only thing making me a bit struggling at the moment is the delay of a publication I'd loooove to share some stuff right now (see below @qwalker). Had to make this thread instead... Hope you are fine, too? I'm so hyped at the moment to see so much good stuff coming from all sides by talented cartographers. So inspiring (and sometimes intimidating, but I guess that is the struggle with all art). =)
@qwalker: Thanks! I love the perspective stuff, with a lot of maps it can add really much. I actually did a city of about 200,000 people in 3-point-perspective I hope I can share soon. I think you will like that, too =)
Best wishes and have a nice week!
Last edited by SteffenBrand; 03-13-2017 at 05:18 AM.
Visit me on ArtStation.
THis is such a lovely drawing, it really sets the scene
I'm allergic to pollen! - Amaranthus hypochondriacus
Really lovely style Steffen! Great atmosphere and details!
This is really a lovely map! It's great to see some work of you again and I look forward to seeing the rest of the series/collection (: