
This map has been heavily influenced by Bartmoss's black and white space maps, but its also black and white because it will probably be printed and used in an RPG game, possibly Traveller. It also has a sort of Homeworlds look. I'm not a massive fan of the traveller hex maps, although they do have that retro look. Point to point makes more sense in space to me. One of the basic concepts in the game is that a normal hyperdrive has a range limit of 5ly and you have to use a fancy mass driver thing that shoots your ship across space to go further. From a game perspective this is really there to balkanise space and create a smaller area to lock players into.

The map is quite simple to make. Its just a good starfield image grey scaled with some Gimp drawn lines and text over the top of it. Some of the distance text is a bit big to fit in the gaps between star circles but other than that Im fairly pleased with it. Any improvement suggestions would be welcomed.