Originally Posted by
Ascension's Atlas Style really brings it to life (although I imagine you might want to adjust some areas once you've figured out the climates).
Thanks so much! Yeah, I'm definitely adjusting (and adding rivers) once I know where and how the rain is falling and where my deserts are. I suspect the small Doundaade island will have a central desert, but otherwise I'm waiting for the winds to come in for me. I've been working on them but I'm not 100% pleased with how they turned out so I'm leaving them a couple days to sleep on and revisit anew.
Originally Posted by
A quick suggestion for the tectonic plates map - the colours indicating the different boundaries are very hard to distinguish for me, perhaps use more contrasting colours?
Good idea - sometimes I get a little too clever for myself design-wise, and hot pink/purple/orange are probably too close as a color palette. Luckily, I keep everything on different layers.
Originally Posted by
I'm not sure the elevation map is right. I need to say that I'm not the expert on tectonic so i could be wrong.
Maybe it is ok but to me it looks like the elevation does not match the continent form, like if it has been misplaced.
You might be getting confused by the dark green shore-edge next to the dark blue ocean; that edge is a lot clearer against a light ocean color.
I looked into the maximum height of sea cliffs and diminished the mountains at the shore accordingly, but the effect is odd against the dark ocean because the edges seem to vanish. I got lazy on most of the continents and just left the edge at the lowest level, but some day when I'm feeling frisky and detail oriented I plan to go back and introduce some "up to 250m" shoreline on continents other than Sooenou. I kept the separate height map files for that express purpose.
Originally Posted by
Just to be sure, the planet is tilted at 27 degrees?
Yes. That was an old decision, though, and sometimes I wonder what I was thinking! Something something wider swath of warmer weather something, I think.
Originally Posted by
For the currents, there is something wrong. I'm am not sure if your planet rotates clockwise or counterclockwise but the Coriolis force does not behave like that.
Basically, if your planet rotates like Earth, the current dynamic in the north should be the mirror of the currents from the south. Which means that current flowing from the equator should hug the western side of the continents. And mid latitude current are flowing from west to east like the Gulf stream.
You know, I was uploading that and looking at it again and was like, "this seems off somehow..." but my brain was drowning in (confusing; overwhelming) wind movements and so I let it go. I'll have to rework those. Luckily, making those arrows is really easy! Thanks for pointing that out; I really don't know how I got it so wrong!
And yes, I made it rotate the same direction as Earth. I might be contrary for contrary's sake, but that seemed a detail too far.
Originally Posted by
This is an amazing amount of dedication to work through all this. I'm constantly amazed at the patience and dedication found here.
I agree the the atlas style does bring the map to life, and I'll be looking forward to any updates as you work out the climate more.
You're so sweet - thank you! I can't say enough good things about the tutorials I'm slavishly follow... I mean INSPIRED BY! I really recommend doing them more than once; on my most recent iteration of Esfera I finally started understanding how masking works, and it makes things SO! MUCH! EASIER! One of these centuries, once I have the climates on Esfera more settled, I want to try some of the other ones just for variety and to learn different skills. Everyone here is so talented and generous, and I've learned much more than I could have ever managed on my own.