Hey guys! =)

It's been a while! However, I wasn't lazy and wrote / drew a lot of stuff I'm sadly not able to share at the moment. But at least I'm happy to say that my work on a personal project could continue which is a lot of fun at the moment. This is what this thread will be about.

Unbound Realms is a setting I'm writing / designing at the moment. It is heavily unstable, landmasses move around, bump into each other, climate changes rapidly in certain areas and the overall chaos nearly forces all its inhabitants to live a nomadic life. In this world cultures would be more like Inuit, Mongols, Celts, etc. in a time leaning towards something like a 11th century. The world itself is (really) a Spherical Earth. Not many cities emerged, the few ones are often near a cluster of stones (something I figured could resemble giant stonehenges) which stabilize the regions around it.

I figured, this should follow at least some logic or direction, so I came up with a rough sketch and some line in there to show my initial thinking. What I would like you to do:
- Tell me what you think. What is the first thing that comes to mind. (Yeah, I know it doesn't fit ATM left / right)
- Do you have some suggestions to what this would look like more convincing in terms of form?
- I want to gather infos and thoughts how I could show the movement in more than one stage at a time in one map.


I'm glad for every help you offer and thank you all in advance! =)
Best wishes, Steffen