Very nice map. You mean "strategic", though.
River Police Mode: There's a river that looks like it drains from the ocean into a lake in the west/southwest. Some of the other rivers look... a bit odd, but it's hard to see with my bad eyes.
So, as foretold, here is the first map I created. Mainly with the use of Filters and very few basic textures. About two I think.
Aeril (a land in the continent of Alterika) is what formed first, after the initial idea of the setting. I admit it was a lot of work whipping this map into shape, and I still wouldnt consider it done.
Fancy thing is; this map is completely editable, sinc eit uses mostly filters. So now that the 'system' behind this map finally works, making changes is easy.
I have to give credit to tutorials on yourube for the mountains, which I will dig up again later, when I post this as finished.
The hardest work however, was coming up with names and a history. I know this might not sound like much of an achievment, but the whole land and every city or village shown on this map already has its own little story, although they are too a WIP.
I hope you will enjoy these maps, I DO hope that youll ask questions, show interest, give critique...
Because honestly, there is no better praise than people showing interest in what I did
The basic map with all the important spots concerning Aeril.
shattered kingdoms map9.jpg
And the 'strategic' map, showing political regions and outposts within this.. shattered kingdom. I did not pick the name for nothing
shattered kingdoms map_tactical.jpg
I consider this map about 90% done, but wouldnt know what to add at the moment, and am currently occupied with the next - bigger - step.
Last edited by Griph; 02-20-2012 at 05:23 PM.
Very nice map. You mean "strategic", though.
River Police Mode: There's a river that looks like it drains from the ocean into a lake in the west/southwest. Some of the other rivers look... a bit odd, but it's hard to see with my bad eyes.
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First of all, thanks for the critique. I will fix that.. 'regional/tactical' issue.
Also I am not entirely sure about the rives myself, since I have tried to keep their flow downward (if that makes any sense?)
So I'll look over the rivers in general. Rework them.
Thank you for the critique as well, though I don't see how a river could flow up into the mountain (especially since there are only 2 or 3 that 'touch' a mountain on the map). Do you have any suggestions why it appears that way, or tips how to solve that problem? I'd appreciate it.
I have multiple rivers starting at mountain springs (and some even start underground, which is kind of hard to indicate on a map of this scale)
Last edited by Griph; 02-20-2012 at 05:26 PM.
I really like the shape and the frame is very nice too! In addition to rivers' issues pointed out in the other posts, for my tastes, maybe the mountains are bit too sharp, but it is really only a matter of views. Good job anyway!
When two rivers meet, the narrow angle is generally going to be facing uphill. It's not an air tight universal rule, but it's typical (and it makes sense as the two rivers will both be flowing downhill, which should be roughly the same direction). Your rivers are universally doing the opposite. That makes it look like your rivers are doing one of two things. Flowing uphill into the mountains, or splitting rather than merging, with all but one of the branches drying up. Neither of those makes any sense.
Thanks very much for the critique so far. I will rework the rivers, but I can barely find (and I am trying) any rivers matching the 'angle issue'. However I know the rivers seem to dry up randomly.
I'll try to solve the problem by flipping the image, maybe I'll notice more mistakes then. Also I will experiment with the mountains (maybe I'll get them to a nicer look).
Do you have any suggestions how to get a more realistic setup of rives. If you could just draw a few lines over my map I would be very thankfull - if not, I'll still try to fix it myself
Nice, very Game-of-Thronesy. The mountains are an ickle bit sharp looking for my liking but I guess that's the look you're going for.
Think of a river system as like a tree. The branches should be up hill, the trunk should be in the ocean. The way you have drawn them has the trunk is in the mountains, and the branches are in the lowlands, with most not connecting to the ocean at all.
Now there are a few rivers that just dry up rather than reaching another body of water, but this is rare and only happens in arid climates. Occasionally a salt lake will fill the role of an ocean, but this is again mostly an arid climate occurrence, and usually far inland or associated with mountains.
It's also rather hard to actually SEE the rivers in places, particularly in the north.
Thank you. Game of Thrones? Well, it was one of my inspirations to start the setting, but mainly the political inspiration. I thought people would start compaining about it being a Skyrim ripoff, since I started making this map around the time the game was released.
So ture, the map has been dormant for a while now, until I uploaded it here.
Thanks a lot! That Kind of opened my eyes, I alway thought it would be the other way round. Yes. even after looking at real atlas maps. >_>
That is partially intended, as I wanted them to be frozen or hidden under a layer of ice and snow. But I know that even the ones that are obviously blue are still barely visible. I need to fix that too.
Well, thanks for all the help, expect another upload soon!
- Rework Rivers completely
- Fix River Visibility (North)
- Fan Out Mountains
Last edited by Griph; 02-23-2012 at 06:15 AM.