Sounds like a cool idea Does it have to be based on real myth, or could we do a map based on a fictional myth, if that myth were to be adequately explained through the map?
This month's lite challenge returns to the classics. We want you to map a myth.
Many of the great stories that lie at the heart of our cultures involve amazing journeys or fantastic locations. It might be center of the minotaur's labyrinth, the journey of the Ramayana or even the battlefield of Ragnarok when the world serpent rises from the depths.
• clearly state which myth you are illustrating
• create a great map to go with it!
The deadline for this challenge will the 15th of March. Remember to precede all WIP images with:
### Latest WIP ###
so that the thumbnail scraper can pick them up. Good luck and happy mapping!
Last edited by torstan; 03-15-2010 at 05:05 PM.
Sounds like a cool idea Does it have to be based on real myth, or could we do a map based on a fictional myth, if that myth were to be adequately explained through the map?
I don't see any reason to force people to use real myths - though you will need to make sure the myth is properly explained.
Shaka, when the walls fell, "The beast at Tanagra"
sorry could not resist the star trek reference
thanks for the challange
Isnt a real myth an oxymoron anyway ?
And: Temba, his arms wide !!
Indeed it is
calling it a real myth can work. The myth itself may involve things that are not real, like a storybook may contain a story that's not real. The book itself is real though
aaah semantics. whee!
My finished maps
"...sometimes the most efficient way to make something look drawn by hand is to simply draw it by hand..."
Perhaps not always 'Real' but very often "True".
The wisdom of soloman - baby fought over by two 'mothers' - has helped lots of people and is commonly referred to.
They can certainly be more true than reality which tends to be filled with so many exceptions and corruptions.
- CG Chesterton"Fairy tales (and Myths) are more than true -- not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us dragons can be beaten."
Dollhouse Syndrome = The temptation to turn a map into a picture, obscuring the goal of the image with the appeal of cute, or simply available, parts. Maps have clarity through simplification.
--- Sigurd
How exactly are you using the term "myth"? Properly speaking, a myth is a tale with religious significance. The legend of St. George and the Dragon is a myth, Snow White is not. The term also does not actually imply falsehood, so feel free to illustrate myths from your own faith, if any. So what I want is a ruling as to whether on proper myths are included, or any traditional legends and/or folk/fairy tales are included.
I think any myth, tale or fable is fine. Given that we're allowing myths of fictional cultures as well, the stable of possibilities is pretty large.