I have managed to get Dundjinni up and running on my macintosh (Big Sur, java 8 ) with some technical magic.

if you are in the boat where you want to still run Dundjinni on a modern macintosh, LMK and i can help you set it up.

in a nutshell (in technical terms), it requires launching the Talisman class directly either via Terminal or a command script and replacing the MRJAdapter.jar file with a stub version that removes all the functionality that breaks on modern osx.

you get a setup that looks more like a linux or windows app (menubar in the window, rather than up at the top of the screen), BUT it gets ole' Dundjinni up and running.

== cheers

P.S. i know there are newer apps out there that can do much the same, but i like dundjinni and know my way around java apps, so i made this happen. please don't turn this into a "X tools is better, why are you wasting your time?" if there is enough interest, i may just post a follow up with the detailed instructions.