Here's a first draft of a scenario map for Smooth & Rifled, a 28mm scale miniature skirmish game. The setting is the Northern Theater of the American Revolution (Lake George or Lake Champlain regions of New York & Vermont).

The game is played on a 4' x 4' board. Each Inch equals about 5 1/2 feet in game scale.

The written terrain setup for the game is as follows:

"On the northern side of the board lies Peacock Hill. The southern face of this hill is a sheer rock cliff, 20 feet high, at the base of which, running east to west, lies North Road. This road is easily traveled by wagons, and crosses a marshy stream at a ford to the west. Just south of the ford, the stream widens into a muddy pond, overgrown with trees and bushes (treat as Level 1 Linear Obstacles). On the east side of the board, running from North Road to the south, is an overgrown foot path, choked with debris, which allows for free movement on foot, but is difficult for wagons. The woods surrounded by these features are more mature, with much less underbrush, allowing for cover, but normal movement on foot."

My initial rough sketch to work out terrain placement:

And my first draft after playing around for a few hours today:

I'm here to learn and improve, so I'm interested in any comments that'll help nudge me in the right direction.
