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Thread: Hello Fellow Cartographers!

  1. #1

    Info Hello Fellow Cartographers!

    Hello everyone. I'm very new to cartography and thanks to the pandemic I kind of stumbled upon it. Well that and running a custom D&D 5E campaign and also finishing a Starfinder adventure and continuing it on into a custom game. I needed to make maps and it lead me to finding out I kind of enjoy it due to the creativity of it! I've always loved looking at maps which were well created. So thanks to the pandemic and my love of RPGs I ended up falling into this as a hobby I'm enjoying.

    I use CC3+ and the add-ons. I know there is a ton of stuff out there but it happened to be the one I fell into without researching things a ton. It's a big learning curve for me especially since my day job is dealing with people's mental health. It's a big transition, but one I like and despite the big learning curve I'm enjoying what I can do with the software so far. Looking into another product or two as well to be able to create even more styles (fantasy, sci-fi, and maybe some modern mapping in the form of sci-fi/fantasy in order to sell for a little side hustle) and I'm sure I'll find a lot of information here on other programs. ProFantasy is also how I found out about here when I was exploring their page. Really glad I am curious and clicked around on their site.

    Looking forward to sharing my maps in the future (I want to get a little better first) and getting to meet fellow cartographers. Be well all and I hope to learn and share any knowledge I may have as well. Maybe a trade: map knowledge for mental health knowledge? lol J/k Ethically, I can't do that. But I am looking forward to a knowledge exchange in order to help enhance my skills as a cartographer and also to find a place I can really connect with other like-minded people. Open to bartering, mentors, and friends!

    I also created accounts on Instagram, ArtStation, DeviantArt. They are all under quirkycartographer. But seeing as I haven't posted here I haven't posted there yet, either. Just wanted to ensure I was able to get the names before it was too late!

  2. #2


    Hello and welcome to the Guild.
    We will waiting forward to see your map, and I'm going to your IG to wait for your post.

    I can't help you with software and digital as I do only traditionnal stuff, but I think I heard a lot of cartographer usind Procreate, or of cours Photoshop, even Gimp who looks like a free opensource version of the two others.

    Big respect for your job, I'm not sur I could be able do to it.

    Enjoy your time here,

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