This is the final challenge of 2022 and once I complete it, I will have finished the personal challenge I set myself at the beginning of last year to participate in every Cartographers' Guild challenge for the entire year. This will be the twenty-first map in that effort.

After generating quite a few villages and dungeons, I have sorted through the ones that I thought interesting enough to save and selected the following:


The name suggests an unusual color scheme for a dungeon map. While the text incorrectly uses "specie" where "species" is meant, the presence of mushrooms provides an additional basis for elaboration of the dungeon with fungal growths. The layout is sufficiently large and varied to provide adequate scope for a two-month challenge, but not so big as to be daunting.* The apes are a reasonable addition, too, as long as one approaches the place with sufficiently pulpish attitude. All in all, it's a pretty cool place to start. In fact, it might even fit into the same world as the "Rivdanalli Port" and "Treehouse Island" challenge maps I did for the first two lite challenges last year. Gonna do some lore!

* - It is, however, of sufficient size that I think will want to stick to a digital format for this challenge. Making hand-drawn dungeon maps *artistic* is something I'm not going to begin attempting with something even this size.