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Thread: Looking for walls to use on sites like Roll20

  1. #1

    Help Looking for walls to use on sites like Roll20

    I have few but they it leaves me with little choice and it gets repetitive. I'm looking for walls that I can place down that'll align to the lines of a grid rather than align to the inner square, most of the ones I've found either don't look like walls or don't stick to the lines.

  2. #2


    What you should be able to do is load the existing walls into editor (gimp or photoshop) then take width of the wall subtract that from your square grid setting in Roll20 default to 70 and add whitespace to the wall.

    So lets say you have a wall section that is 20pixels wide, and your roll20 square is default 70px, you would need to add 50 pixels to one side of the wall (depending on how you want it placed).

    I believe that should do it.

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