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Thread: Hello Fellow Enthusiasts!

  1. #1

    Default Hello Fellow Enthusiasts!

    Hello everyone, I am a long time fan of drawing maps just for fun, and have recently really gotten back into it. I was trolling for map drawing inspiration and information and came across this site. Hope that I can learn alongside everyone and make some really great maps.

    Anyways, nice to be here!


    -Side note- I am not very experienced with forums, so if I make any blunders, please let me know.
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  2. #2


    Always nice to re-discover old interests, isn't it? Glad you found your way over here. I'd love to see whay you'll set out to create.

    As for the forums themselves - don't worry, this is a fairly relaxed community. Treat others well and be treated well in kind, and you'll be good to go. If there is anything specifc you need or want to ask, just holler. Welcome to the Guild!
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    Just give me liquorice and nobody gets hurt.

  3. #3


    Definitely a lot of great content floating around here and a lot of talented artists. Which makes it a great place to learn...especially since this is a pretty friendly forum.

    But welcome, and I hope to see you around!

    - Josh

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