A premise: this time I really do not know what I'm doing.
But I want to join the challenge, just to see if I can learn something and overcome fear / laziness to deal with things unknown to me.
It’s a first time "building" issue for me, and I’m going to approach it with a floor plan.
I don't think there will be textures on it or complex designs, I will keep all quite simple, since I have no experiences at all on the subject and I think a golden rule in this case is to not overdo.

There’s no much time left, I hope I’ll be able to finish it, next weekend possible free time will be crucial. I'll try and represent at least the assembly inside the castle and the subject's quarters; I think there will be some shields and some other eye candy.
And of course, suggestions, advices and critiques (the merciless, the better) are highly appreciated.

So the WIP background: the “Fortified Assembly” is the nickname of a one floor castle where the assembly of a yet unnamed fantasy kingdom is held, twice a year or on order of the king himself or on request of a predefined number of entitled subjects (at least two or more representatives of the major houses and corporations).
The assembly, having only advisory powers, still can strongly affect the king’s decisions, depending on the influence and power of its members.

### Latest WIP ###

assemblea fortificata wip1.jpg