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Thread: World Map (Hexographer) Advice and Critique Welcome!!

  1. #1

    Wip World Map (Hexographer) Advice and Critique Welcome!!

    Hello cartographers, I've spent the past month or so researching the best ways to make a world map, and I ended up using the following as my major sources:

    1.) A Magical Society: Ecology and Culture

    2.) Pixie's Climate Tutorial (Link found here: )

    It's been a long and awesome process so far, but since I'm making this map for Tabletop RPG gaming I had to alter several of the climates to fit the terrain types for the game. The terrain types, and thus the hexes I used in the map are as follows: Coastal, Desert, Forest, Hill, Jungle, Moor, Mountain, Plain, Swamp, & Tundra. Fitting Koppen's Climate Scale into these ten terrains was rather difficult and very subjective, so I'm posting both the Koppen Map and the Altered Terrain Map. Any and all comments and advice will be greatly appreciated!!

    Koppen Map:

    (The color key is the same as Koppen's but if you'd like a link to the one I used it is here, and was created by Pixie.

    Terrain Map:

    Lastly, I haven't added lakes or rivers yet, as my Hex scale for this map is equal to 72 miles. Thus drawing one on this map would imply that my rivers and lakes are massive. I will however add them when I do individual continent maps, if you have any information how a river or lake changes the surrounding terrain I would love to hear that too.

    Thank you in advance!

  2. #2
    Professional Artist Naima's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010


    Consider that not all is coastal , there could be desert on coast as well as a jungle I guess.

  3. #3


    Okay great. Does anything else jump out at you?

  4. #4


    Is there a better location to post this question to get feedback?

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