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Thread: Two Maps for my Fantasy Series

  1. #1

    Post Two Maps for my Fantasy Series

    I need two fairly decent maps for my 2 completed fantasy novels. These will be inserted into the Kindle version on Amazon but I am sure any future publisher will make maps for me. So they are to be of passing quality. I have made the two maps myself with fair detail but I am a terrible artist. I hope the books will sale and I would be happy to pay something when they do. Let's work it out.

    First map is a limited map of an area about 1" = 10 miles.

    Second map is continent size about 1" = 300 miles

    I will attach here pdfs of both maps if interested.

    I can't speak to style exactly because I suspect someone here would have many better ideas than I could.

    Also, though the continent map I made has many labels, the finished one would not need so many.


    I can be contacted at
    Attached Files Attached Files

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