Either I don't understand it, or you posted the wrong map? Looks just like a mosaic of your (good) atlas maps to me.
Edit: added the correct map...
I just finished the below climate map for my world. It didn't take too long to make (as usual with maps with text, the text took quite a while to get done, though this time I was able to pinch some words from my notes), but I needed something like this to help me with the regional atlas maps. I expect I'll be updating this and tweaking it as I work on other regions, so nothing is set in stone quite yet,particularly in around the inland regions of the main continent. I've settled on particular climate bands or zones, based on the Koppen climate classification, but changed slightly to fit the world's more classical period, though the main features are there.
Elyden climate - small.jpg
The text in the map is copied below:
Put simply, climate is a stable weather condition averaged out over a long period of time (often 25-years), categorised by specific combinations of humidity and temperature; whereas weather is a short-term phenomenon, based on changes in in wind, humidity and temperature.
Elyden is currently undergoing a change in climate, and is emerging from a warm period, moving into an ice-age. These cooler temperatures result in lower sea-levels as more sea-water is trapped in polar ice. Despite these changes, each of Elyden’s continents is characterised by particular climates and patterns in temperature and precipitation, amongst others.
Of note are the Atramenta and the Firmament, which affect both climate and weather as well as other conditions in their vicinity, with their effects more pronounced the farther from the nullambit one moves.
The study of climatology was introduced in 3982 RM by the scholar Phirun Kamerathis, who divides the northern and southern hemispheres of Elyden into five broad bands, or climate zones, each: Tropical, Dry, Temperate, Continental and Polar in the northern hemisphere and the reverse in the southern. Each of these bands is further divided into more detailed bands which were introduced through later adjustments.
Each band has distinct traits and qualities that are shared to different degrees across all lands and territories that fall under that band. The bands are not regular and may cover different latitudes, depending on the presence of oceanic currents, mountains, deserts and other factors.
Despite its distinction of being the smallest and most isolated of continents, Bror is an example of the climatological diversity that’s possible in relatively small areas.
The Lahaed mountain, running down the entirety of the continent like a hard spine, it the major arbiter of Bror’s climate. Rain shadows to the north and south of the mountain have created sizeable rain shadows, beyond which are tropical regions to the north-east, and temperate to the south-west.
As the northernmost continent, it comes as no surprise that Llachatul is the coldest. It is the only continent with a land polar icecap and has the longest stretch of west-east land above the north polar circle amongst all continents (7,300-miles).
Llachatul is generally divided in two: Gnotha to the west and Malani Llachatul to the east, divided by a line drawn from the sea of Propontis to Bielost. Gnotha is characterised by a continental climate, with its western coast heavily influenced by the Erthydaen Flow, which brings warm waters and currents north from the Sea of Lynnae. Farther south, and closer to Sammaea, it ranges from temperate to the arid-temperate climate that characterises the northern coastline of the Inner Sea. Malani Llachatul has a more temperate climate, though lands east of the Argent mountains are arid to semi-arid, with its south-eastern coast ranging from equatorial to hot humid.
Southern and south-eastern Llachatul experiences a wet season and a dry season, though northern and western Llachatul experience four seasons.
Dominating the north of the far hemisphere, Meniscea is home to the True Meniscus. It lies between 80O north and 10O south, though is concentrated around 70O and 40O, with a continental climate predominating, with tundra to the north and a more temperate climate to the south.
The southernmost reaches of the Meniscean peninsula reaches to beyond the equator and displays a hot-humid through to tropical to equatorial.
Sammaea is the largest continent, stretching from 50O north to 84O south and encompasses all climates imaginable, save for polar icecaps. The continent is divided into four – Western Sammaea, comprising all lands west of the Karkarmis mountains; Southern Sammaea, comprising all lands south of the Acharkharan mountains; Eastern Sammaea, or Imperial Sammaea, comprising the lands north-east of the Mulciber mountains; and Northern Sammaea, or Kharkharadontid Sammaea, which dominates the lands between – each of which has distinct features.
The continent is characterised by vast deserts along regions of rain shadows, both tropics, and the innermost regions of the continent, with the largest – the Kharkharadontid desert – being home to the Black Fountain and the most extreme Atramental terrain. It also has the two largest rainforests in Elyden – the Wold in the west and the Waelmigh in the east.
Away from these areas of extremes, the climate is semi-arid to temperate-arid, though the south is more temperate, with continental and tundra in the extreme south.
Another puzzle piece done! This is world-building on an epic scale, man.
I noticed one odd thing in your wall o' text: for the continent of Bror: "Rain shadows to the north and south of the mountain have created sizeable rain shadows..." Rain shadows have created rain shadows?
thanks - though the more i look at the big continent the more i think its a bit off (too much arid climate) though i have a habit of confusing climate with terrain - arid and semi arid comprise a lot of different terrains and biomes, so that might be fine.
yeah the rain shadows are sentient on my world, and they procreate too... nah, my mistake. there's always i miss out. thanks for noting that. I'll update the original map.
Looks fantastic, love the climate map though you really need to label the continents so it's more clear what's what. I agree the arid range extending south seems unusual esp on the bottom-right island continent, though this could be cold desert (the Antarctic is arid, ie virtually no precipitation, despite all the ice).
It looks amazing! Beautiful work!
I'm really enjoying your project.
- Is the graticule border necessary? Shouldn't it match the grid on tne map itself? It is a bit confusing to me, but it is a genuine question more than a critique. I know you know your cartography, so I am just wondering.
- The text feel a bit crammed. Maybe it can use some more border?
But this is some awesome stuff!
thanks for that, I;ve updated the main file.
Fair point. Though do keep in mind this is part of a larger work and there are other pages that depict, in this projection and scale the continents, labeling major features like mountains, oceans, continents etc. Though adding the continent names is something that can be easily added for more clarity. Thanks
I'm afraid I don't understand. Do you mean the graticule itself or the line going around the 'globe'?
EDIT - you mean the border around the page margins? That's going to be on every page of the atlas so i just added straight away so that it matches. IT's normal for most atlases to have such a border even on pages depicting globe maps as they're the standard border for that book. Keep in mind this is just a 2 page spread from what will eventually be a far larger book (or at least pdf)
It's already quite small as it is. I could edit down the text to make it a bit concise so that i can increase the border size, though I wanted the text small to give a more of a textbook/encyclopedia feel- The text feel a bit crammed. Maybe it can use some more border?