A kind of Arakeen, Emperor Muad'Dib's capital city on planet Dune.
Oasis Tolverae, a huge karst spring in the driest desert.
The river born of these karst springs does not leave the endorheic plain, where the city is established, either it evaporates, or it returns inside the earth.
The umbilicus of the city are the three springs. The palace is installed on the umbilicus, the primitive city around the palace. Then it grows on an orthogonal plan, but an organic logic dominated, relegating it to a kind of archaeological background, as it happened in many European cities founded by the Romans.
There is wealth and good infrastructures : major railway lines with monumental terminal stations and two aerial subway lines that very effectively serve the urbanized space.
The most sacred area, the main richness of this space enclosed by a Wall of Thiers and a start of Boulevard Peripherique (my parisian obsessions...) is the wetland around the river : garden, bocage, forests and marshes...

Oasis Tolverae.jpg