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Thread: Keep Vicinity and Silver Mine Vicinity Map (with optional interior map)

  1. #1

    Map Keep Vicinity and Silver Mine Vicinity Map (with optional interior map)

    Hello, I have hand drawn a small basic mine and vicinity map on graph paper, for my small home RPG group set in the Forgotten Realms.

    I am looking for someone to create these maps in a polished, nice looking electronic program of some kind. My sketch is attached as a PDF.

    The keep vicinity is intended to go along with this map that AnomieCoalition created for me. The keep vicinity map I'm requesting is intended to portray the grounds and area surrounding the keep detailed in this map:

    My attached sketch for the keep vicinity should be self explanatory, it is very simple.

    I don't have a scale in mind, I'm just looking for something that makes sense (ie normal sized buildings, normal sized trees, etc)

    The "mine" map really has two parts - 1) the mine vicinity that portrays the area just outside the entrance, and 2) the mine itself with the associated tunnels and chambers. The attached sketch includes my take on the "mine vicinity" but I have not sketched the mine interior. I'm leaving the interior up to the artist with a few parameters.

    The mine is a silver mine, from which silver ore and sapphires have been mined. The mine was created by humans and dwarves several decades ago, but was abandoned for some time. Recently, my group cleared out the mines and hired dwarves to start operations again (including expansion of the mine). The dwarves have since constructed the buildings in the vicinity map and uncovered/rebuilt all the tracks, built new mine carts, tunnels etc.

    The mine interior should consist of:

    1) an entrance with a landing/wooden elevator dropping down to a natural chamber that contains a small pool of water and two graven guardians (think dwarven runic stone golems) flanking the entrance to the mine tunnels proper. See my attached sketch of the landing/interior.

    2) the tunnels themselves would be mixture of worked stone (think main artery) tunnels with track for ore carts and secondary working tunnels branching off from the mains with and without tracks. Chambers (natural or dug) can be thrown in for flavor and to break up the monotony. These have NOT been sketched, see my attached sketch annotation that says ("-> to tunnels")

    3) the tunnels at some point should connect up with a natural cave complex (can be simple) merely to provide a plausible connection to the Underdark.

    Everything I want is already drawn in (besides the mine tunnels) but creativity with tunnels, equipment, placeables etc is encouraged! The annotations on the map are not needed or wanted, they are merely to guide the artist. Objects that are annotated should be present in the final product also. I love details!


    I like full color maps with lots of details similar to this:

    Vicinity maps or log buildings should follow the style of the keep map linked above.

    This game is set in the Forgotten Realms setting of AD&D, so objects should be period appropriate (early Middle ages). Flagstone or stone floors, wooden chests, rough log buildings, barrels, crates, drawbridge, mine carts, old mining tools, wagons, hearths/fireplace, wooden doors, stone or wood stairs, etc (you get the idea).

    Quality & Size

    Quality can be professional or semi professional. I'd prefer this map be of sufficient resolution so that each map can be printed on a 8.5x11 sheet of paper or 11" x 17", with little to no pixelation. Scale for the tunnels is not really important, just think of what a normal mine tunnel would entail (pretty cramped working conditions).

    I will be drawing these maps on a battle map for use during combat, thus scale is not as important. Great looking, highly detailed maps that I can hand my players is the key here. Essentially these need NOT be works of art, they are intended to simply be very nice looking, highly detailed player handouts that I can reference in my campaign.

    Time Constraints



    This map will be used only in my home table-top game, not for commercial purposes at all, ever.

    You may retain it as an example of your work, or make money from it if you can figure out a way. In the past others have put these maps on various RPG websites and they've sold well.

    The drawing is my original work but I have no wish to retain any right to it. It's simply for the enjoyment of our small game.

    I would like reproduction rights to the map (for home use, non commercial purposes).

    The artist will retain copyright of the map (for any purpose they desire).

    Contact Details

    If you would like, you can provide an example and suggest an amount for compensation, or simply let me know how much $ you think you would need to complete the project. Or if you prefer simply post here. I will reply.

    Please contact me at crwsales at hotmail,com

    Not sure if I am able to receive PMs yet.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Cards77; 05-20-2016 at 11:12 AM.

  2. #2
    Guild Adept Facebook Connected jpstod's Avatar
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    Nov 2006
    Wichita Falls Texas


    I do the Wayward Traveler's Guide Series on DriveThruRPG. I would be interested in doing Maps for a reasonable price.
    The Wayward Traveler
    Guildmaster Galveston Island Adventurer's Guild

  3. #3


    Thanks JP. So far I've gotten a pretty tepid response. Can you send me an email or a message? thanks.

  4. #4


    I think someone is working on it but haven't heard anything for about a month. If anyone still has interest in this shoot me a message. Thanks.

  5. #5
    Professional Artist ThomasR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Angers, France


    If you want speed and efficiency, look here and shoot a message.

  6. #6
    Professional Artist Guild Supporter Wired's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by thomrey View Post
    If you want speed and efficiency, look here and shoot a message.
    As much as I appreciate the gesture I won't be taking on any new commissions until some time during October. I'm heading off to vacation abroad in about 10 days, and come October I'll start at a new day job, so my time in te immediate future will be extremely sparse with regards to map making and commissions.

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