News came to the lands of Lurk, there is another donjon-random-generator challenge at the Guildworld this month!
I just couldn't resist grabbing pen and paper to throw myself into the ring.

The kingdom of Aedelen was built upon mighty artefacts, brought up from the underworld by its first ruler Aesyon. Three enormous cauldrons, legends say they've been forged at the beginning of time, able to revive the fallen soldiers and prolong the life of the rulers.
A thousand years ago, after Aesyon conquered the lands around his chiefdom with the help of the cauldrons' might, he established the new Kingdom and built its capital Daerar at the "river of courage" the place of the final battle.
On the peak of the week-long festivities after his victory, a mysterious child entered the throne room, prophetic words on her lips, proclaiming the realm's doom:

"The Kingdom of Cauldrons shall fall when the Temple of Prisms is laid to ruin and the River of Courage runs red with blood"

I wanted the linework of the map finished before posting anything here. Myriads of half-finished challenge ideas are flooding my hard drive, so i wanted to make sure, this one won't add to them...


I'll colour and label the map in gimp. With the next update comes more about the story leading to Aedelen's eventual downfall.
