
How are you all! So, I have made several maps for my DnD campaigns before, but it takes plenty of time, and I am nowhere near as experienced as most artists, so I was wondering if someone would like to help get a map sketch made. There is no deadline. Take as long as you need. But I have been looking for someone to make this for a while and haven't had time to do it myself.

So, this map is a depiction of a heaven in the clouds that is a capitalist hellscape. There are tiers to this place, the bottom of the area being the slums and the top being the rich of the rich, think the walled city of Attack on Titan or more apt, the city in Kill la Kill.

I will give more information if you accept the commission, but basically, I would want a layered city scaling upwards and surrounded by a gate in a cliche Saint Peters gate type of way. This can be very creative and have as many or as few flourished designs as you want, but my idea was the bottom slums would be reminiscent of Brazilian slums mixed with a literal junk town. The top would be glitzy and shiny, with more distinguished buildings and mansions.

If you are interested, send me an email at Wilbwri@gmail.com. Send me some of your past works. If I like what I see, name your price.

Again, you don't have to color this. I would just want a sketch or line drawing of it. It can either be hand drawn or digital, whatever is easiest for you.

If you want to see some of my past sketches for reference on what I am looking for, here are some of the things I have done:
