And here's the map I promised! I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, though the name placement of the countries feels like it could be improved (it's my first attempt at doing them in this way). Since this map is a zoomed-in part of my world map, here's some brief lore to go with it. If you're interested in reading the full story of Ordoria, you can find it here. Let me know what you think!


Once a great power that held sway over the entire jungle between the Northern Plains and the city of Stahlhof, Ordoria's fortunes began to turn with the arrival of the Grand Master, Arthenon, and his subsequent conquest of what is now the Grand Master's Realm. This created a power to rival Ordoria right on their northern border, and the proud nation had to spend ever more resources on skirmishes with the Realm. Over the years, this sapped Ordoria's strength, pulling troops away from the southern border to aid in the defense against the Grand Master. Sensing weakness, Freiprinz Schwarzenbach of Stahlhof pounched on the weakened Ordorians, slowly moving the border northwards. Losing more and more territory, Ordoria grew ever more bitter and resentful towards the world, becoming less and less open to outsiders.

Eventually, a devastating defeat at the hands of Arthenon in the Battle of Dorissus (or the Humiliation at Dosynnis, depending on who you ask) proved too much for the Ordorians. In a grand speech, Isvenith Lothinnys, Steward of King Valinthir, proclaimed Elven perfection, blaming the country's losses on seditious foreign elements. His charisma swayed many generals to his side, and when the Church officialy began backing Lothinnys' claims, the country fell under the sway of Puritanism and the doctrine of Elven supremacy. Though Galerin Valinthir is still officially the King and nominally in charge of the country, Lothinnys and his Traditionalists control all aspects of the government.