I have converted two of Paizo’s adventure paths from one game system to another, but last month heard about Pathfinder Infinite. About a week later, I heard that they are changing the licences, so I have until the end of August to publish these conversions, or will never be able to. These projects required a ton of work, so I would rather publish them than not. These two conversions will be amongst the first few items I release as a new publisher. As part of these conversions, I have included some new material for which I designed on map paper a couple of maps, which I would like to have professionally done so that they look useable! Another area of one of those APs needs a map done properly, because the area’s description requires it really.

Please note, I am new to publishing (nothing released yet!), so I would appreciate a “introductory offer/reduction” for those who take this on; the ebooks might sell only 3 or 30 copies. Because selling on Pathfinder Infinite means a cut of 50% already, I can’t really offer any percentages. However, if they sell really well I could offer a bonus. Additionally, I am planning to publish other material over time, including future adventures, which will require maps.

Please note the deadline below.

Project Scope/Style:
Two (or maybe three) black and white maps, done in the style of old TSR maps, with line grids for ease of use.
For the first two maps, I can send my initial map design along with a description of what’s in the rooms (where stairs go as well) by private message, once I am able to do so.
For the third possible map, I can send the verbal description by private message (once I am able to do so!). If the idea of this sounds good and plausible, then I would like an additional feature added which can be discussed.

I need it in a format that I can just cut and paste into Word documents that I can then convert into PDFs. I’m new to this, so can’t handle anything too technical. Two maps should each be about half a page, give or take, with the third map perhaps about a quarter of a page.

Format: Jpeg, Tiff, or EPS. I leave it to your expertise on which format to use. Basically, whichever one retains the highest image quality upon saving.

Transfer of files: Via an FTP upload to a server that I will provide

Number of Maps and Style:

Map 1:
This is a ruined fort in an arid hill area (not desert!) that can be reused within the story. I have designed the map already. It has two above ground levels, one small basement level, and two smaller sub-basements. This should be about half a page in the final ebook.

Map 2:
This is an underground dungeon (all straight lines) that is essentially a museum of the planes. I have designed the map already. This should be about half a page in the final ebook.

Map 3:
This is a map of a large cavern that is described in words. A map of this doesn’t exist yet.

I will use each map once in the respective ebooks for commercial purposes, the artist will have the right to exhibit the image as part of his portfolio but not to exploit it for commercial gain. I suspect the latter is because of the future Paizo Compatibility License. The artist may be able to use it elsewhere commercially; I just don’t know at the moment, sorry.

Due to the ending of the current license, I need the maps no later than August 20, or perhaps a few days later. I can’t wait much longer than that.

As agreed via discussion, payable via Paypal upon delivery of the final files.

One free PDF of the finished book upon its release.

For now via this thread and the Cartographer’s Guild messenger
Additional contact information will be provided should the project move forward.

Since I’m new to this website, if it makes sense that I should publicly post one of the maps to give an indication of the map request, please let me know!