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Thread: Greetings!

  1. #1

    Post Greetings!

    I've been lurking on the CG forum for about 4-5 months, and have decided to finally come out of my shell and say hello.

    My love of mapping goes all the way back to childhood when I'd snag maps from every rest stop on a travel, and I'd collect amusement park maps (parks that I had never been to and never would likely ever go to).

    As time went on, my tastes evolved, spurred on by running table-top RPG games. I've run D&D games for 20+ years, and always have hand-drawn my maps. My artistic abilities are sadly lacking, but the maps were filled with enthusiasm, and soaked in tea plus burned at the edges to add flavor.

    I still enjoy maps, and found my way here based on a need to create a map for a card game I'm working on that may one day be self-published. Given the quality I needed, I knew it was time to learn to create some good-looking maps, and that pulled me in.

    Since then, I've been applying the techniques I've learned from the tutorials here (Ascension's, RobA's, pyrandon's, and others whose names escape me - no disrespect intended!) creating maps for table-top games I'm running now, or have run in the past, creating maps for the novel I'm working on, and of course... The card game.

    I've decided that to continue to grow, I'm going to need to start getting feedback, tips, advice, and real-time conversation about it, and there's no better way than to open up and chat.

    So... Hello all. I look forward to mapping with you.

  2. #2
    Banned User
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Traverse City, Michigan, USA


    Hello Brand, welcome to the Guild!! I'll look forward to seeing some of your maps

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