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Thread: How to make your maps discoverable for nomination & how to search

  1. #1
    Administrator ChickPea's Avatar
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    Sunny Scotland

    Info How to make your maps discoverable for nomination & how to search

    UPDATE: 8th Feb, 2017
    Thanks to Redrobes, we now have thumbnails for eligible maps. See comment no. 7 below.
    The text from my original comment below is obsolete now. There's no need to tag your maps unless you want to.

    Original comment below
    It looks like we're not going to have a thumbnail gallery for 2016 maps, as the forum software doesn't appear to support this degree of functionality. We've therefore had to find something of a workaround, and this will require a little effort from you guys, as it's not something we can automate. The TL;DR version is tag your eligible threads with '2016'.

    If everyone tags their 2016 Finished Maps threads in this manner, a simple search will return all threads that are eligible for nomination. You'll still have to click into each thread individually to see the map, but that can't be helped. The reason for using tags, rather than the forum's default search, is because a standard search works on the last comment date, rather than thread creation date. Therefore, if you do a search for anything from the last year, threads started several years ago will be included if someone left a comment during 2016.

    A more detailed explanation follows...


    How to make your map discoverable for nomination

    STEP ONE – Find your eligible maps

    Go to your profile page and click on ‘Find latest started threads’ (it’s on the menu at the left hand side).
    Have a look for threads that...
    1) were posted in Finished Maps (shown on the right hand side), and
    2) were created between 1st January – 31st December, 2016.
    These are your threads that are eligible for nomination.
    NB only threads posted in Finished Maps during the relevant dates are eligible. Maps posted in any other part of the forums or in personal albums cannot be nominated.

    STEP TWO – Tag your threads with ‘2016’

    Each eligible thread has to be tagged individually, so depending on the number of maps you made last year, this may take a little time.
    Click on the thread title to enter that thread. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, underneath the comment box, and look for the button that says ‘Add / Edit Tags’ over on the right hand side.
    Click that button and a box will be displayed that allows you to enter tags.
    Put 2016 as the tag, then click ‘Save Changes’.
    Your map is now tagged with ‘2016’ and will show in the search.
    Repeat for all eligible threads.

    How to search for maps that are eligible for nomination

    On the main forum home page, near the top right, is a link that says ‘Advanced Search’. Click this link to go to the search page.
    In the section marked ‘Search For’, there is a box for Tags. Type 2016 in the Tag box.
    Underneath this, in the ‘Additional Options’ section, make sure the ‘Find Posts’ buttons show ‘Any Date’ and ‘Newer’ from the drop-down options.
    Now click ‘Search Now’.
    The search will return all posts tagged with ‘2016’.
    Pick your favourites and post them to the appropriate nomination thread!


    We've tried this with some of CL's maps and it seems to work. If you do a tag search just now, you should get a bunch of maps (mostly J.Ed's at the time of writing). I realise it's a bit of a pain to tag your stuff, especially if you have many threads, but I hope everyone will take 10 minutes or so to do this, as it will undoubtedly boost your chances of nomination.

    If anything in these instructions is unclear, please ask. Thanks folks!

    Last edited by ChickPea; 02-08-2017 at 10:50 AM.
    "We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"

  2. #2


    I dont think i will be able to get through all of them, i just dont have time to do that. It would be great for next awards to make a thumbnail scrapper for maps, it would speed up looking through all of them.

  3. #3


    Hey Voolf, you have a thumbnail scraper called "The Atlas Awards Thumbnails" just on top of the Atlas Awards Threads .

  4. #4


    I er... can't see anything, Ilanthar

  5. #5


    By Mouse
    I er... can't see anything, Ilanthar
    Hmm, yes, it's not working for me either... Not a specialist here, so I'll just tell the pros .

  6. #6


    Yeap it dosent work from the beginning :/

  7. #7
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Dec 2007
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    Hi Everyone, there is a scraper for the finished maps of 2016. Before you click on this link tho be warned that it opens up a lot of files into your browser at once. It may not be a good idea on a phone or small device with lack of memory. Also, if you could, try to do all of your picking in one session and keep the images in the cache as it will hammer the server a bit. Try to open the threads from the thumbnails using a ctrl shift click or shift click so as to make it open a new browser or new tab only keeping the old one intact ready to look at again.

    Good luck.
    Last edited by Redrobes; 02-06-2017 at 09:06 AM.

  8. #8


    Thanks Red

    I'll wait till the initial rush is over now

  9. #9
    Guild Master Josiah VE's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


    Wait, so do we have to tag them 2016 to make them eligible now?

    I offer map commissions for RPG's, world-building, and books

  10. #10


    Most of them have already been done, thanks to a super-human effort by ChickPea, but there are a few that still need tagging. You can tell at a glance by looking for the little tag symbol thingy on each of the threads in the Finished Map forum. You need to do a search like ChickPea describes above first, though, to make sure that you are only looking at maps completed between the set dates

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