I've been wandering around here once again and I will try and get a bit of spiff done for this mapping challenge and maybe the upcoming lite challenge too.

I've been working on some steampunk props for my table at the convention in connecticut for august, doing some writing and a few other things like moving.

Oh and By the by I've been working on both my webcomics "Goober Nice to Meep You." And the Newest one that I started recently, it was inspired by the style of asian brush painting I enquired about here some months back.

The Name is old Irish meaning Peaople/clan of the Clear waters, but is pronounced sort of like Too-ah Pheonix. It's more landscape experimentation with pencil and smudge to emulate some of the blue on white porcelin landscapes, used as a means of telling about a journey of self discovery.

So now that I'm settling back into some kind of routine (well as routine as I get anyway) I should be at least giving some effeorts at the challenges here again and lurking quietly in the background.