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About gatheringstormmag

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About gatheringstormmag
Dearest Friends and Creative Geniuses:

My name is Michael McHenry and I am with Gathering Storm Magazine (GSM) and we are a new literature publication based in Fayetteville, AR, focusing on a themed short story, fictional magazine, primarily focusing on sci-fi, fantasy, horror, steampunk, sword & sorcery, and the like. All of the stories submitted to GSM must adhere to one of the themes posted for the upcoming issue. The themes will change every issue but will all be based on old sayings, maxims, and proverbs that we all know and love to use everyday. The themes can be found on our website,

Our site, Gathering Storm Magazine, is live now, and we want to have plenty of content for creative minds to enjoy for years to come. In addition to the themed short stories, we will also be publishing an interactive fiction story, which you may remember from years long gone as the “choose your own adventure”, from Inkle Studios. We will also be publishing poetry, comics, beautiful artwork, Tidbits of fun, and some other pieces that allow the reader to engage with the publication. What are Tidbits? Come see these little gems on our website under Guidelines.

Interested in Advertising with GSM?

We are currently offering a Founding Advertisers with 50% off any material they wish to publish alongside the original stories we will be publishing until they wish to stop advertising with us. That’s right, a lifetime of advertisement at a significantly reduced rate since you helped launch our publication. Our Inaugural Issue #1 will be published at the end of February 2017 and we look forward to a successful, long-term publication not only in the NWA area, but across the globe.

Our goal is simple: to create a publication that showcases some of the best, original, fictional stories and artwork that we can find. With your support, we can include even more stories with each issue, more original artwork, more Tidbits of fun, and even more interesting pieces of creativity. We have also setup a Patreon page for those who want to contribute per issue, as well as a Contribution link for one-time contributors.

For more information on ads or any general questions, you can email us at or check out our website at Gathering Storm Magazine.

Word of mouth is what we are really striving for, so please Like/share with your friends, family, and other creative minds through our social media links below. Thank you so much for your time!


Michael McHenry, Editor-in-Chief
Gathering Storm Magazine

“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.” ~Friedrich Nietzsche
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