I found the idea of a contest interesting but I absolutely don't understand how and why people vote.
As it is puzzling I might ask here.
In architecture when we have a contest, it is judged on originality, creativity and a few technical details like safety, energy efficiency etc.
Here apparently everybody voted for a picture which is a copy of existing pictures - a 2 color copy of a map of Scotland and a literal copy of photographs like here
The lay out of the frames of copies is what one finds on tourist ads.
So apparently originality, creativity and execution are not something that counts when people decide their votes.
I was thinking that somebody could have done much better - copy the most beautiful tomb in the world Taj Mahal, add a map of India with a few labels and win the contest.
No offense intended for the author, I find his picture quite cute but it is just a copy of elements set in a common lay out. I would never vote for a copy in an architecture or artistic contest and I thought that the same applied for cartography.
Apparently from what I observed with my admittedly short experience, creativity and originality is discouraged in the contests here.
So could somebody who voted for this picture explain his general philosophy to me ?
What is so compelling in a copy that it makes people here to prefer it to original or creative pieces ?
Has it something to do with the culture of the site where mostly the "old timers" vote and they have a very definitive preferences of what can get a vote and what cannot ?
Excuse me for asking so openly but this is really puzzling and I would like to understand.