To sad I didn't had time finish this one. Very nice to see so many good entries!
Alien Crypt from Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull by Bogie
The Tomb of Vrena and the Forgotten Poet by Chick
Glasgow Necropolis by ChickPea
Mausoleum of Adōnis by GLS
Tomb of the 1st High Protector by jpstod
Crypts of Asaak by JustinSlick
The Village of Graveyard by Kreighund
The Tomb of Angor Hal by mbartelsm
Tomb of Sir Malcil by Troedel
The Lay of Imrith Necropolis by Wolram
It's VOTING TIME!!!!!!
Jan / Feb 2016 Lite Mapping Challenge: Map a Tomb. Your challenge was to map any kind of tomb, crypt, graveyard, etc. If something dead is buried there, then it is fair game.
We have a lot of great entries, 10 with maps in the thumbnails. There were a few members who started a thread but never posted a map, so I did not include them in the voting.
A lot of work goes into these challenges, please show your appreciation by Voting for your favorites and by passing out REP to everyone you think deserves it, even if you didn't vote for them.
The Voting will run for 3 Days, you can vote for as many as you wish. The winner will receive a shiny new Silver Compass and be the envy of everyone here at the Guild.
Check out all t he maps here: CLICK HERE FOR MAPS AND be sure you look at the maps at full size, the thumbnails don't give a good view of all the great details people put in.
Good Luck Everyone!
Last edited by Bogie; 02-15-2016 at 12:31 AM.
My Battlemaps Gallery
To sad I didn't had time finish this one. Very nice to see so many good entries!
My sites: --- --- --- ---
My finished maps: here
It really doesn't like "ō" in the thumbnail title for mine!
I'm so pleased I got to be a part of this challenge and see some great entries develop alongside my own. I have only been at the guild a short time, but am grateful these challenges exist, as otherwise I would have probably never inked this map, which is definitely my personal favourite of the few maps I've completed so far!
I wish everyone luck in the voting and look forwards to what amazing maps the next lite challenge inspires people to make!
Wish I had been able to find more time to spend on it, Still a joy seeing everyone else's work!
There's a couple I REALLY wanted to see finished (I'm looking at you, Wolram! ), but I voted for my favorite (finished) ones. Rep incoming to those I can give it to...
Some really nice entries this month! Great work everyone.
I found the idea of a contest interesting but I absolutely don't understand how and why people vote.
As it is puzzling I might ask here.
In architecture when we have a contest, it is judged on originality, creativity and a few technical details like safety, energy efficiency etc.
Here apparently everybody voted for a picture which is a copy of existing pictures - a 2 color copy of a map of Scotland and a literal copy of photographs like here
The lay out of the frames of copies is what one finds on tourist ads.
So apparently originality, creativity and execution are not something that counts when people decide their votes.
I was thinking that somebody could have done much better - copy the most beautiful tomb in the world Taj Mahal, add a map of India with a few labels and win the contest.
No offense intended for the author, I find his picture quite cute but it is just a copy of elements set in a common lay out. I would never vote for a copy in an architecture or artistic contest and I thought that the same applied for cartography.
Apparently from what I observed with my admittedly short experience, creativity and originality is discouraged in the contests here.
So could somebody who voted for this picture explain his general philosophy to me ?
What is so compelling in a copy that it makes people here to prefer it to original or creative pieces ?
Has it something to do with the culture of the site where mostly the "old timers" vote and they have a very definitive preferences of what can get a vote and what cannot ?
Excuse me for asking so openly but this is really puzzling and I would like to understand.
I understand what you're saying Gudern and can definitely see where your coming from. Obviously everyone has different criteria to use when voting and it is always disappointing when you feel like a piece has been overlooked or is undervalued. Personally, I voted for the ChickPea's map because although elements of it were "copied" from real life monuments, I thought that it was pretty obvious that this was intentional, because it was supposed to be a map of a real place. ChickPea used these real aspects and blended them with great technical skill to make a map that felt thematically complete and a whole. It is of course about celebrating originality and creativity, but I'm always flexible with how I view things and went for the Necropolis because it to me it did have those qualities you speak of. Originality and creativity do not need to stem from making something completely new from scratch, but in the case of the Necropolis can be from how the different elements are replicated, organised and crucially how they synergise.
I'm also new to the guild and like I said can see where you are coming from, but in this case I don't agree with you. I hope this answers your question somewhat and you can see too where my arguments stem.
You're free to vote for whatever you want. You prefer originality and creativity? Vote for it. You have a spot spot for the map layout, overall color scheme and aesthetics? Vote for it. You think that some cartographic informative aspects are the most important? Vote for it. You probably got my point
Challenges are themed ones. The theme respect mostly guide votes but at the end every voter is free to pick up the map he prefers, whatever his own criters are.
This said, the comment is a bit harsh on the winner's map. You seem to set a judgment quickly on one challenge. Chickpea obviously did a nice job with her map. Besides being informative, clear and legible (what you usually wants on a map), she included drawn elements to add a nice aesthetic touch related to the subject. Of course, since they're real locations, you can argue that it's copies but really this isn't really important here. A lot of illustrators use photography as a starting point of their drawings, especially with common real places. Also the overall layout, color scheme, typography is pretty consistent and nice on this map. All the reasons why she proabably got many votes and a well deserved win.