Quote Originally Posted by waldronate View Post
I've probably mentioned this before, but http://www.progonos.com/furuti/MapPr...C/cartTOC.html has a great deal of information about map projections. You might want to look at adding a grid to get a solid impression of the kinds of distortions that you're seeing. For whole-world projections, I like the Hammer projection. Some folks are put off by the continuously-curved grid, but I find that to be part of its appeal.


The two-element projection in FT is called "AE Hemispheres" and it's a composite projection with two azimuthal equidistant elements on the same display at once (it may not have made it into the final shipping versions). FT uses the Projection.txt file to define composite projections such as the two below that are composed of various Sinusoidal elements. I didn't do a great job on the interface for those, though.

Aw thanks Waldronate

I was looking for a definitive webpage with all the answers together in one place!

Not sure about the Hammer. Here's Errispa as a Hammer Projection, adjusted so that the three continents I'm primarily interested in are centrally placed.


Quote Originally Posted by Ilanthar View Post
Very nice landshapes! I'm looking forward to see this develop.
Thanks Ilanthar

I just hope I can live up to expectations now that I've mentioned just how much I like Francesca's border work! LOL!