Hello guild!

I just wanted to introduce myself. At first I have to say, that I'm not totally new to the guild. I was a member years ago, but I wasn`t here for a long time. Unfortunately I lost my old account information and my old e-mail adress is also closed for a long time now. So this is, why I started with a new account. But as I said, I was not active for years, so everything is new for me anyway ;-).

Working as an archaeologist, reading and viewing much Fantasy and SciFi stuff and playing RPGs (P&P, PC, Cards...) for more than two decades, I have many connections to maps. Besides, I love to play around with Photoshop and advance in using it. This is why I decided to join again. To improve my PS skills with all of your great tutorials and create maps for my RPGs is something I really looking forward to! Of course, I'm also excited to have a look on other work within the guild to get new ideas, concepts and methods for creating maps!

So far so good, now I will have to try my first steps in PS Cartography (again) with some tutorials ;-)
