Thank you Daniel

I've really no idea why they get so long! Sorry

I'm going to hand draw the banner eventually. I was just trying to get the text into the right shape ready to go on it - a visual aid for myself. I tried this without the white background to start with and had such a job of trying to work out where the edge of the banner would be that I had to start all over again. If anyone else does this, then don't forget to draw the banner behind the text before you start to do the deform. It cuts out a lot of headaches later, and you can always get rid of it once you start drawing.

Thanks for the font name, Daniel. I may yet change this one I'm using right now out for that one. I'll have a play around and see what I think.

I'd like to clarify a point I made last time: You can draw curved text in CC3. In fact is very much easier drawing curved text in CC3 than in any other app I've ever tried. You just can't deform the letters all that easily so that they tilt in and out as if they were lying on the surface of a three dimensionally curved banner

EDIT: ninja'd by ChickPea!