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Thread: Would like some critiques/advice on my first digital map.

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  1. #1
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Jul 2009
    Boonsboro MD, USA


    1. Background lore is cool - that's a setting ripe for RPG. I can just imagine the possibilities of a campaign of fearless human peasant rebels against the nefarious vampire Electors.

    2. That's a good use of Gidde's (I think?) tutorial. Nice geography/layout; it seems believable to me. I'm not super enthusiastic about the shading around the coastlines - it makes the land feel like its floating.

  2. #2


    Thanks for the feedback! I'm a bit late to replying.

    @Caenwyr: I understand what you mean by the barren space beyond the mountains. Technically, everything beyond those mountains is controlled by other players. This is a fraction of a much larger POV. Because this map's purpose is to focus on my territory, I haven't filled those spaces that aren't under my control. When it's done, I'll probably just paste big labels in those spots, denoting what countries they are.

    @Diamond: The setting definitely offers a lot of avenues to play with. Looking at it closely, I see what you mean in your critique of the water. Out of curiosity, how would you go about altering it?

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