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Thread: Would like some critiques/advice on my first digital map.

  1. #1

    Wip Would like some critiques/advice on my first digital map.


    I'm working on a map of my nation in a forum-based roleplay and I'd like to solicit some feedback on what I have so far. I've yet to apply color to the terrain or lay down cities/towns and roads or add any labels yet. I'm mostly aiming for advice on terrain placement - making it look believable. I've been using Gidde's tutorial and brushes for the bulk of this project, which has been extremely helpful.

    Some background info, if anyone's interested: My nation's name is Vlaanburg. It's a confederation of semi-independent communities; the most prominent states are governed by Electors, who elect an Archon. Political power is very decentralized, with the Archon being more of a 'first-among-equals' than a sovereign. Each Elector has significant independence and jurisdiction within his/her own state. I won't go into detail about the whole world and background lore, but the Electors and regional rulers of Vlaanburg happen to be vampires in the style of The Witcher 3's Higher Vampires!
    The geography and climate is reminiscent and inspired by the Swiss Alps and Northern Italy.

    Without further explanation:


  2. #2
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Boonsboro MD, USA


    1. Background lore is cool - that's a setting ripe for RPG. I can just imagine the possibilities of a campaign of fearless human peasant rebels against the nefarious vampire Electors.

    2. That's a good use of Gidde's (I think?) tutorial. Nice geography/layout; it seems believable to me. I'm not super enthusiastic about the shading around the coastlines - it makes the land feel like its floating.

  3. #3
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected Caenwyr's Avatar
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    Yes, I definitely think the coastline and the terrain look plausible. I would however extend the mountain range a little more so it gives the impression it goes on beyond the borders of the map (unless in your world it doesn't, of course!). The lack of terrain features outside the main area of interest is a bit weird.

    But all in all this is looking very promising, and I'm looking forward to how this'll evolve!
    Caenwyr Cartography

    Check out my portfolio!

  4. #4


    Thanks for the feedback! I'm a bit late to replying.

    @Caenwyr: I understand what you mean by the barren space beyond the mountains. Technically, everything beyond those mountains is controlled by other players. This is a fraction of a much larger POV. Because this map's purpose is to focus on my territory, I haven't filled those spaces that aren't under my control. When it's done, I'll probably just paste big labels in those spots, denoting what countries they are.

    @Diamond: The setting definitely offers a lot of avenues to play with. Looking at it closely, I see what you mean in your critique of the water. Out of curiosity, how would you go about altering it?

  5. #5
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Boonsboro MD, USA


    Perhaps do some subtle (or not-so-subtle, YMMV) rings like waves around the coastlines? Maybe try in conjunction with the shading, and on its own.

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