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Thread: And yet another return...sort of...

  1. #11
    Guild Expert ladiestorm's Avatar
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    North Carolina, USA


    hey Mark! I've missed talking to you! You always put a smile on my face!

    No, a few years back I started a tradition of hand making Christmas gifts for my family and friends, mostly crochet, or loom knitting. That takes a lot of time, especially with my carpal tunnel. I was doing this even when I started mapping, but for a while mapping took over, and I didn't get my gifts made on time. So I'm having to better schedule things now. So at about August, I 'put away' the mapping, to get my Christmas gifts made, then after the holidays, I take my mapping stuff back out again.

    What I'm actually doing is putting more hours into crafting, and less into mapping... I don't actually stop mapping. I just can't give it the time I used to during crafting season. On top of that, I'm trying to start a side business, selling crochet patterns of my own creation... but that means I have to come up with the patterns, and make the items, then write up the pattern, get it edited and tested, before publishing it. I currently have two patterns published, with more on the way.

    And then, right after the holidays... I go to the emergency room for something seemingly minor (though extremely painful), and get admitted immediately for emergency surgery! I was only in the hospital two days, but it took me almost a week and a half before I could even get out of bed for more than the most urgent necessities. Talk about a frustrating beginning to 2019!

    But I am, finally, beginning to heal. Hopefully that means more mapping in my future. I am currently working on a world map that started in FT, and of course, I just joined the Feb Mapping Challenge. I'm just waiting to hear back from my partner to see what my challenge is. And I still have a commissioned city map that I'm working on, too. So... yes, mapping when I can for as long as I can sit to do so, until I heal completely.
    Like a thief in the night
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  2. #12
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    Glad you're back and on the mend, ladie!

  3. #13
    Publisher Mark Oliva's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ladiestorm View Post
    a few years back I started a tradition of hand making Christmas gifts for my family and friends, mostly crochet, or loom knitting. <SNIP> So at about August, I 'put away' the mapping, to get my Christmas gifts made, then after the holidays, I take my mapping stuff back out again.

    What I'm actually doing is putting more hours into crafting, and less into mapping... I don't actually stop mapping. <SNIP>
    I'll betcha dollars to donuts* that everyone here is happy for ya, that you've got a lot of good irons in your fire. Just remember to make us a map now and then too. And the best of luck on your new business venture!

    But first and foremost, get yourself healthy again!

    * Anyone remember that oldie? It's even older than I am. To get there, you have to make the trip from crypt dweller to composty!

    Mark Oliva
    The Vintyri (TM) Project

  4. #14
    Guild Expert ladiestorm's Avatar
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    Dollars to doughnuts... oh wow, that brings back memories! My Granddaddy used to use that phrase! And I promise... I will make a map every now and then I have a couple of things in the works even as we speak. It's just slow going because of the sitting down at the computer issues...
    Like a thief in the night
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    yet tranquility proceeds
    the accursed storm...

    check out my new Deviant Art page!

  5. #15
    Guild Expert rdanhenry's Avatar
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    Welcome back. May Asclepius speed your healing.

    Quote Originally Posted by ladiestorm View Post
    No, a few years back I started a tradition of hand making Christmas gifts for my family and friends, mostly crochet, or loom knitting. That takes a lot of time, especially with my carpal tunnel. I was doing this even when I started mapping, but for a while mapping took over, and I didn't get my gifts made on time. So I'm having to better schedule things now. So at about August, I 'put away' the mapping, to get my Christmas gifts made, then after the holidays, I take my mapping stuff back out again.
    Have you ever crocheted a map?

  6. #16
    Guild Expert ladiestorm's Avatar
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    North Carolina, USA


    no, I've never crocheted a map... I don't think I would be capable... or more, I'm capable on the crochet part... just not sure I would be able to design and crochet a map... but it's an interesting idea!
    Like a thief in the night
    she comes with no form
    yet tranquility proceeds
    the accursed storm...

    check out my new Deviant Art page!

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