Quote Originally Posted by Sidmandoo View Post
Very, very nice. I like your line work quite a bit. Do you just a hard brush with pressure size?

Only comment is that the corner branch and leaves might have a little too much depth with the shadows....that is, they look to pop out a little too much in comparison to the map. But maybe that's what you are going for!

Edit: This comment was for the image on the first forum page. Didn't see the other posts following.
Thanks for the comment, Sidmandoo! And you're right of course, the effect is a bit exaggerated, but for this particular map, I thought it was acceptable. With those neon colours, anything else fits right in

Here's my next update for the Bronze Gods map. I switched things around a bit, and went for a portrait layout instead of the landscape I had going earlier. Main reason: that is the only elegant way I can think of to incorporate that super dark night view I threw on top of the iso! I'm curious to hear what you guys think of my transition. Be harsh, be unreasonable, but let me know what you feel!

Temple of the Bronze Gods (3).jpg