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Thread: Carpal Tunnel, my experience

  1. #11
    Guild Member Runninghead's Avatar
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    Thanks for sharing Robbie, the more people talking about this the better. After years at a Cintiq you do get problems- frozen shoulder syndrome, carpal issues, poor eyesight, carpal issues, etc, but learning to remedy these is also part of the job and if we admit to our injuries and share advice it's good for everyone.

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  2. #12
    Guild Adept Elterio Delgard's Avatar
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    Yeah, carpal tunnels are not fun, but lets take this opportunity to talk about advices.

    For my case, I work in a cell phone company so I am almost constantly in front of a computer screen. Every now and then its good to stand up and have your back straight (I don't think Runninghead mentionned about spine problems). May it be on computer, or on paper, we often tend to bend our back forward.

    Also, every now and then its good for the eyes to look at the horizon, resting your muscles and simply gazing through the window at the scenery outside. Taking walks every day outside will force you to look away as far as possible, so its a good change for your eyes so they don't suffer from miopia later on. I am only 26, but I have noticed that already my eyesight is not what it once used to be so I need to take care of them.

    When drawing on paper, I often put my hand with the fingers spread in order to ensure a certain distance between my eyes and the paper itself. Its good to have at least 25cm, or maybe more (maybe someone can tell more).
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  3. #13
    Guild Master Falconius's Avatar
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    I hope you get a full recovery. I can only imagine how much that sucks.

    Was it because of desk set up? About a 3/4 year ago I found that I started feel some symptoms of carpal tunnel , only it was in my elbow ( I also had numbness in that arm's fingers while driving, not full numbness, but not full feeling either). I think largely because I have a tendency to lean on my dominant elbow whilst also using it with the mouse etc. I got so freaked out I lowered my desktop, bought a proper chair instead of the plastic lawn furniture one I was using, and now try to sit up straight when I remember to, and basically stopped using the computer in any significant way for a month or so. But the symptoms haven't come back with the more proper set up, even though I still slouch forward and lean on my elbow more than I'd like. What really set my symptoms off wasn't the computer situation, but the fact that I was doing some construction work and was drilling with an impact driver and hammer drill for long periods of time. I literally couldn't hold the drill up after a couple of days it was so painful. I think that's why it showed up in my elbow. I stopped that sort of work entirely, I'm not going to screw up my arm for that kind of money doing something so boring.

  4. #14
    Guild Expert Straf's Avatar
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    I had some bother with my shoulder and neck, with numbness in my thumb. I got referred to a physiotherapy service who emailed me some basic exercises to do while sitting. When my actual appointment came around there was only slight pain and the physiotherapist gave me some new, more challenging exercises.

  5. #15
    Guild Expert Guild Supporter Greg's Avatar
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    I'm sorry to hear that Robbie and I hope you have a speedy recovery.

    My dad had some carpal tunnel issues a few years back, and had surgery on one arm. He luckily recovered pretty much back to normal, but its good to hear everyone else sharing their advice and warnings as I think it's something people can easily ignore, whilst it's so important for artsists like us who might not only work at a computer, but also spend time drawing on one away from work.

  6. #16
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    I had a spell where I had a setup that started flaring that up. What I found helped for me was to have one of my machines use a mouse and the other a trackball. Then the muscles used on each were different and it was like only using it half as much. I also find having a wide desk helps too so that my keyboard is far enough back from the front ridge that I dont compress my tendons on the front corner. But then I slouch over the desk and get back issues.

    I think ultimately tho you just have to switch your position about, get a new chair, change things up now and again and then it stops the pressure on one point and starts on another one.

    And yeah, using power tools that vibrate a lot is a killer. I used to strim my lawn and then could barely hold anything afterwards. That strimmer is now in landfill ! It is easy to ignore and only in hindsight do you realize how debillitating it can make you for something that is mostly preventable for most cases.

    Never heard of anyone needing surgury tho - man that sucks.

  7. #17
    Administrator Facebook Connected Diamond's Avatar
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    OUCH. Hopefully the pain isn't too bad and you're fully prestidigitatious in no time.

  8. #18
    Guild Expert Straf's Avatar
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    If you're doing this as a day job have you considered asking the company to get you a standing desk?

  9. #19
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    I feel for you Robbie, carpal tunnel can be a tortuous experience, luckily mines not so bad that I need surgery just yet, but when I was pregnant it flared up something fierce from all the swelling and I couldn't even cook my own food or do anything for that matter. The doctor says I may need surgery down the road if it gets worse so thanks for sharing, I hope you heal up quickly. I find that my desktop computer really gets it going, my hand goes completely numb in about twenty minutes, but on the surface tablet it doesn't act up at all. I hope you'll let us know if the surgery worked it might give hope to many and especially me.

  10. #20
    Administrator Facebook Connected Robbie's Avatar
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    I don't believe my carpal tunnel came from keyboarding actually...I'm quite careful with that...I have great ergonomics...

    I think it came from playing drums and using a lot of tools that I didn't use prior to buying a larger lot that requires quite more actual work to maintain.
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