very nice as usual Vandal... I'd drop the garden for the upper level map - unless of course they have a hanging garden also *lol* ... look very luxurious up there though
The Helen and Dramot Bed and Breakfast is known throughout the land as one of the best places to stay when visiting the region of the Green Hart Forest. The delicious meals from Helen's kitchen are sought after by weary travelers and foodies alike. Dramot is a wonderful gardener and provides the majority of the vegetables and fruits eaten at the B&B. The lower level contains the entry way into the B&B as well as a gift shop that sells candles, soap, chocolates, and tea towels. The nine rooms in the upper level are furnished with luxurious bedding and a fine decor. You can even stay in the fabulous Royal Room which is rumored to have once boarded the King of Gelth for an entire week when the axel of his wagon broke as he was traveling through town. The shaded region of the lower level is not shown in the map because that is Helen and Dramot's private dwelling area and they did not want their personal residence to be displayed.
### LATEST WIP ###
Last edited by Map Vandal; 10-24-2011 at 11:08 AM.
very nice as usual Vandal... I'd drop the garden for the upper level map - unless of course they have a hanging garden also *lol* ... look very luxurious up there though
regs tilt
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Good suggestion Tilt. Thanks.
### LATEST WIP ###
Last edited by Map Vandal; 10-24-2011 at 11:08 AM.
Very nice. You might not need the garden walls on the upper level either. Then you'd have room to write a lovely poem about the inn.
Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go..
Yeah either that or somehow do a effect that fades out the garden and makes it look lower but I'm at a loss on how to do that with this style.
Cheers, Julien
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