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Thread: Creating Engine Glow

  1. #1
    Guild Applicant
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Somewhere in Colorado

    Question Creating Engine Glow

    I've tried searching through the forum and the Internet and haven't seen anything that would help. I need to know if anyone out there knows how to make "engine glow" using Cospmographer 3? I see that some of the example maps use this technique and there's even a "tool" for it. However, without the guide I have no idea how to make this work. Any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Hi arkangel and welcome. I would admit to not knowing anything about the problem that your talking about but on the web page I found this... "Use sheet effect to make your stars shine bright and the engines glow hot" so maybe that might coarsely guide you to a solution. So really I am just here to say welcome and bump your thread.

    Anyone use Cosmographer 3 from Profantasy ???

  3. #3
    Guild Applicant
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Somewhere in Colorado


    Thanks. That's EXACTLY what needs to be done. Activating the sheet effects for "glow" and "transparency" (and you can play with the settings) turns the polygon you draw with the engine glow tool into a semi-transparent ejection of exhaust. If you have Cosmographer 3, give it a try. What an awesome feature!

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