That's amazing..
Hi. Been trying out sdome of the tutorials here to make more realistic planets - here's my latest attempts.
Earth's Cousin - My first try in a long time at making coastlines from scratch, and first ever at making city lights.
The Big Neighbor - Very Endor-like, next to a Jupiter-style gas giant.
Hope you like them!
That's amazing..
Just beautifulExcellent work!
Very very beautiful. I only have one criticism, the lights of the cities ont he first one kind of look to me as if a starry background was shining through. I don't have any good sure-fire ways to fic this, but maybe push these lights a bit into the yellow, and make them of a less uniform size? On earth, some cities are much bigger than others, so the city lights sort of blot together in places instead of all being the same size.
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Thanks for the kind words!
Yeah, I know the lights didn't turn out very good. I need more practice and more patience. Hopefully I'll be posting more efforts soon.I appreciate the advice!
If that's the results from the tutorials then I'm "SOLD".
Fantastik work!
Beautiful work. Color me impressed!
I like them. As for the lights, when I created a few of my planets, I had a layer I called "Atmosphere" that was a colored circle the same size as the planet. I seem to recall I used a multiply effect, but you'll have to play around with it. In any case, the layer gave a general atmospheric haze that would also tinge those lights a bit as if they're being diffused by the planet's atmosphere.
I agree about the lights. If you look here you can see clusters, distinct coastlines, and even stripes along important rivers, rail lines, and roads. Generally on Earth people cluster around the coast and rivers so unless the society on your world is specifically more diffuse I think this would help bring out the night side of your planet.
Excellent work. As for the lights on the first planet, try to make them more "spidery" and you will have them look more "realistic." There's no particular reason that cities couldn't be circular on this other planet, but generally on Earth, as Hungry Donner stated, the population centers follow rivers, coastlines, and major transit routes.
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